http2 [Quill] link에 https protocol Sanitization (http/https 붙이기) Search:: quill editor I try to edit embed link, but edit button does not work Modify Link.sanitize const Link = Quill.import('formats/link'); const originalSanitize = Link.sanitize; Link.sanitize = function customSanitizeLinkInput(linkValueInput: any) { let val = linkValueInput; if (!/^(https|http?:\/\/)/.test(val)) val = `https://${val}`; return, val); // reta.. 2023. 4. 5. [java][spring] Spring MVC how to handle http request? Reques -> dispatcher servlet -> handler mapping -> find controller -> controller -> method -> return result (ModelAndView and ResponseEntity) -> view resolver -> find view -> create view with model data -> response 설명 2022. 10. 9. 이전 1 다음