✘✘✘ Algorithm + Data structure
[Quick Sort] Quick Select
2023. 1. 7. 20:01
Quck sort, Quick Select
Quick Sort
function quickSortWidthEndPivot(arr, start, end) { if (start >= end) { return arr; } let left = start; let right = end - 1; let pivot = end; while (left <= right) { const low = arr[left]; const high = arr[right]; if (low > arr[pivot] && high < arr[pivot]) { swap(arr, left, right); } if (low <= arr[pivot]) left++; if (high >= arr[pivot]) right--; } swap(arr, left, pivot); pivot = left; // renew pivot position for next process quickSortWidthEndPivot(arr, start, pivot - 1); quickSortWidthEndPivot(arr, pivot + 1, end); return arr; } const sortedWithEnd = quickSortWidthEndPivot(arr, 0, arr.length - 1); console.log('sortedWithEnd pivot:: ', { sortedWithEnd });
Time: O(nlogn) worst n^2
Space: O(logn) worst n
Quck Select
Write a function that takes in an array of distinct integers as well as an integer k and returns kth smallest integer in that array.
The function should this in linear time, on average
1st try with counting sort
function quickselect(arr, k) { const min = Math.min(...arr); const minusNum = min < 0 ? Math.abs(min) : min; const counts = []; for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { const num = arr[i] + minusNum; if (counts[num] === undefined) counts[num] = 0; counts[num] += 1; } console.log(counts); let sum = 0; for (let i = 0; i < counts.length; i++) { const count = counts[i]; if (count === undefined) continue; sum += count; if (sum < k) continue; return i - minusNum; } return 0; }
Time: O(MAX(arr) + minusNum)
Space: O(MAX(arr) + minusNum)
only satisfied when elements in arr sparsely distributed (distributed continuously)
2nd try with iteration
function quickselect(arr, k) { const indexToSelect = k - 1; let start = 0; let end = arr.length - 1; while (true) { if (start > end) { throw new Error('not supposed to be'); } let pivot = end; let left = start; let right = end - 1; while (left <= right) { const low = arr[left]; const high = arr[right]; if (low >= arr[pivot] && high <= arr[pivot]) { swap(arr, left, right); } if (arr[left] < arr[pivot]) { left++; } if (arr[right] > arr[pivot]) { right--; } console.log({ start, end, pivot, left, right, indexToSelect, arr }); } console.log('>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>') swap(arr, pivot, left); pivot = left; if (pivot === indexToSelect) { return arr[pivot]; } if (pivot > indexToSelect) { end = pivot - 1; } else if (pivot < indexToSelect) { start = pivot + 1; } }
function swap(arr, a, b) {
[arr[a], arr[b]] = [arr[b], arr[a]];
Time: O(nlogn) worst n^2
Space: O(logn) worst n